Michel Montecrossa
Deep Brain Art Catalogue

Presenting 212 New Michel Montecrossa Paintings & Drawings at the New Art Gallery in the Filmaur Multimedia House from 18th April 2015 till 16th April 2016
Michel Montecrossa about his ‘DEEP BRAIN’ Art Exhibition:
“My art is Deep-Brain-Art evolving in unison with the pulse of time in the heart and vision of humanity.
Deep-Brain-Art is experience-art and brings to the front the revealed and creatively activated mystery of consciousness.
Deep-Brain-Art is one with the morphogenetic field of the people of the world to do them good.
Deep-Brain-Art is showing the experience of happiness, love, insight, wisdom and the smiling and indomitable creative joy of powerful peace.
The mission of my Deep-Brain-Art is to bring these future-oriented qualities to the awareness of the people all over the world.
For completing this cultural mission my Deep-Brain-Art paintings & drawings join forces with my music, books and movies to create a full-stream-of-consciousness event for an international audience.
During the ‘DEEP BRAIN’ Art Exhibition you are warmly invited to come into stimulating contact with all these aspects of my work.”